Monday, December 13, 2010

Acting Black Part 2

As I talked about in previous blogs, there are a lot of stereotype in movies. Whether its portray African Americans a certain way or portraying blonds a certain way, they are all stereotypes. This entry could easily fit into my "Acting Black" blog. Malibu's Most Wanted along with White Chicks is the most stereotypical movie you could ever watch but yet it is so funny. Personally, I don't take offense to movies like White Chicks, Malibu's Most Wanted or Tropic Thunder or any movies that makes fun of black stereotypes because all that it shows it how ridiculous those stereotypes are. I have you the definition of what a lot of African American believe is "acting black". Malibu's Most Wanted is a prime visual example of what is "acting black". The only thing wrong is that no white person really acts this way, even if they did grow up in a predominantly  black neighborhood.

Jamie Kennedy plays the son of a rich and wealthy politician who is running for governor in the state of California. Jamie Kennedy's character portrays what black would call "acting black". His exposure to the hip-hop/black community (BET, VH1, MTV) is a concern to his father's campaign because his campaign thinks that his son, by the way he "acts", could ruin his chances. The campaign hires two black actors who doesn't know anything about the black community or urban life, to pose as gang bangers and kidnap Jamie Kennedy's character. They want him to see what really urban life is like and maybe scare him enough to act how he is supposed to act in a white family of wealth.

It is a funny movie and like I said before it is a bit extreme being that no real white person act like that that really grew up in an urban setting, but the extremity of the situation makes the movie what it is. Here is a clip of movie below.


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