The Boondocks, which is an African American anime-type cartoon, aired only on Adult-Swim on Cartoon Network, is the most stereotyped, black-political and controversial cartoon show ever. Well, maybe not "ever" but its one out of the many that are aired regularly. The show is based around two brothers named Riley and Huey and their grandfather, who moved the two boys to a predominately white neighborhood after their parents had passed away. The show strictly but humorously based around the types of things that African Americans may go through on a day to day basis and the stereotypes that may follow. Riley is the stereotypical black boy portrayed in the media, Huey is the one that tries to keep the peace and follows his "black" values as an African American. Granddad, as the boy calls him, tries to fit in with the predominately white neighbors and tries to raise the boys properly and not like "hoodlums", but yet Granddad has his own stereotypical personality as an elderly black man. Another character in the show named Uncle Ruckus, loves the grounds white people walk on and put them high up on the pedestal above his own, yet he is "black as the night"... weird huh?
Though some portrayal of stereotypes can get out of hand in the media, this is the only show I love to watch where there are tons of ridiculous stereotypes against African Americans but yet at the end or while you are watching the show there is always some moral or value behind the story. I honestly believe that this show may be a mind opener to some who are "curious" about African Americans. It may make fun of the stereotypes presented but I look at it as completely educational despite the constant cursing, sexual content and the extreme use of the N-word.
When Aaron McGruder, creator and writer of The Boondocks comic strips before it became a cartoon, he had a lot of trouble trying to get his idea for a cartoon pitched to several cable networks including BET because of the content and the use of the N-word. It was then approved to air on Cartoon Network on Adult-Swim where the N-word could be used but words such as the F-word could not be used.
Below is a clip mashed together with several episodes of The Boondocks to give you an idea of what the show is about and how it is portrays. There are explicit content and cursing in the episode just to give you a fair warning.
I love watching the Boondocks. It's hilarious at times but at the end of the day it's pretty stereotypical but I like that there's always a moral at the end of each episode.