Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Stereotype at its Best?... I'll Explain...

Being stereotyped for the color of your skin, how you talk, act, etc. is, of course, not a good thing. I think I might have established that plenty of times in the blogs that I have written so far, but (there is a but), I'm going to have to make one exception to this theory. Most if not all, are familiar with the movie Tropic Thunder. Robert Downey Jr. plays an Australian actor in the movie named Kirk Lazarus who under goes a procedure to darken his skin to play an African American soldier. Robert Downey Jr.'s character takes black stereotypes to the extreme, but it so hilariously funny. Most would get offended but a few friends of mine absolutely loved the movie particularly Downey Jr.s character. I must agree, Downey Jr. is a very good actor and it seems like he could possibly be the only one to get away with a role like this. I say this is a stereotype at its best because it didn't make me feel any type of way. It didn't make me feel angry or upset. I guess because you can see the seriousness of the role to this character Kirk Lazarus. He's really into character and is striving to be the best actor, but also loses himself into his character. I guess the point I'm trying to make is that even though Jr. played a walking stereotype that it was shown or portrayed negatively. It wasn't to make fun of, even though the movie is a comedy. Tropic Thunder also stars Ben Stiller, Jack Black and Brandon T. Jackson and Tom Cruise. Check the out the video clip.

Robert Downey Jr. talks about Tropic Thunder and the stereotype of playing an African American.

A clip of Robert Downey Jr. in as Kirk Lazarus in Tropic Thunder.

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